About Us

At Premier Protein, our mission is to put great tasting protein within everyone’s reach by making protein packed products accessible for all.
We know that staying active and eating well can be challenging in today’s hectic world. That’s why we’re passionate about creating convenient and great-tasting nutrition*, for everyone. No matter where you are on your health journey, we’re right there with you - to celebrate the routines, the everyday wins, the good days but also give you a little boost whenever and wherever you need it.
Our products taste so delicious, it’s hard to believe they have so much goodness packed in them. Our decadent-tasting chocolate shake has 30g of protein and 1g of sugar. Our bars are available in three delicious flavours, packed with 20g of protein and only 1.3g of sugar. Both are great on the go, as an afternoon snack, or as a post-workout pick-me-up.
At Premier Protein, we are positive and encouraging, here to support you on your journey to become your best self and our ambition is to give you the confidence to achieve your health, wellness and fitness goals.
* Protein contributes to an increase in muscle mass as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.